Effect of different nutrient management practices in rice (Oryza sativa L.) -blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) utera cropping sequence Saha Sanjoy, Moharana Monalisa Agronomy Division, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack-753 006, Orissa, India Abstract The effect of different nutrient management practices on the performance of both rice and blackgram crop grown in rice-blackgram utera cropping sequence was studied in an on-farm trial carried out in five different villages of Tangi block in the Khurda district of Orissa during three consecutive crop growing season of 2001- 02, 2002–03 and 2003–04. The highest grain yield (38.4 q ha-1) of rice as well as the highest seed yield (5.87 q ha-1) of blackgram was recorded in the treatment where additional 20 kg 'P2O5' of blackgram was applied to rice as basal along with the recommended dose of fertilizer. The highest net return (Rs. 15,618) and benefit: cost ratio (2.28) were also recorded from the same treatment plots. Top Keywords Nutrient management, rice, blackgram, utera cropping. Top | |
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