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Osmania Journal of International Business Studies
Year 2009, Volume-4, Issue-1 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0973-5372

Table of contents

How to successfully compete with well established firms in hi-tech industry
Alan S. Khade, Juliet George

Hedging foreign exchange risk through volatility mapping of Indian ADRS and GDRS
Prof. P. Baba Gnanakumar, Jigar. H. Indra, Abel Louis. R

A study on export performance of garment industry
Dr. P. Palanivelu, D. Sureshkumar

An overview of international trade with special reference to India
Dr. Ajanta B. Rajkonower, Dr. Ranjeeta Phukan

Trade effects and implications on global poverty reduction from low income countries perspective
Dr. Ravinder Rena, Ruth J. Andujar

Rural entrepreneurial development:a study on Indian Handmade Paper Industry
Dr. Amit Kumar Dwivedi, Mr. Punit Kumar Dwivedi

Destination and direction of Indian basmati rice exports - a markov chain approach
Girija Yabannavar, Chachadi N G

Timeliness attributes and the extent of accounting disclosure: a study of banking companies in Bangladesh
Alim Al Ayub Ahmed, Dr. Madan Mohan Dey

Payment cards industry in Indiaan analytical study
Mr. Ch. Srikanthverma, Dr. Ch. Satyanarayana

The role of foreign exchange market in India: a study with reference to importers and exporters of coastal Karnataka
Praveen Kumar K C, Dr Y Muniraju

Foreign financial institutions with financial derivatives
B. Raj Kumar, A. Suresh Kumar, Mayuri Srivastava

Retaining - a study with reference to small scale retailers
Ajay Kumar, Dr K. V. Ramana Murthy, Dr R. Vasudeva Reddy

Teenagers in transforming world: a study on teenagers leisure time spending at Bangalore
Professor G.P. Dinesh, Prof. Dr. S. Jayanna

India's directions to foreign trade
Dr. Byram Anand, Dr. P. Varalaxmi

Is India rising with the rupee? (A Study of Rupee Appreciation And Its Impact On IT Industry In India)
Dr. Gurendra Nath Bhardwaj, Mayank Sharma, Soustab Das, Nitya Vijayvergiya

Performance of EPZS in selected countries
Dr. R. Ganapathi, Dr. A. Muthusamy, Mrs. P. Ramya

International marketing of sabai grass in rural-economic development of tribals: a case study - Mayurbhanj district of Orissa (India)
Asit Ranjan Satpathy, Dr. Upendra Nath Sahu, Dr. Priti Ranjan Hathy


Role of IT AND E-commerce in international trade and commerce
K. Ramkumar, K. Chandra Kala


A study of India's trade and investment potential
Dr Smitha Sambrani

Role of developed nations in international trade and commerce
Dr. P. Sridhar, G. Arun Kumar, Ch. Narshima Reddy

India and international tourism: filling the gaps
Dr. M.N. Maliiswari, Deepa James

Growth of Indian foreign trade in the post liberalization period
Dr. K. V. Sasidhar, Dr. G. Srinivas

The influence of investor psychology on disposition effect
Prof. Shrinivas Acharya T

India's international trade: emering issues
Prof. C R Reddy, D. Jayaram Reddy, Dr. U. Prabhakar Reddy

A shift from E-government to E-governance
Ms. Madhuri, Prof. M. Sulochana

The problem of software piracy-solutions from Indian perspectives
P. Ravichandran

CRM-In banking industry with a special focus on CRM initiatives in state Bank of India
P Ravi


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