NDCWWC Journal
NEW DELHI CENTRE World Water Council
Print ISSN: 2278-8395
Online ISSN: 2278-8409
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December
Description: NDC-WWC journal is the half yearly journal of the New Delhi Centre of World Water Council (NDC-WWC) which provides a forum for development of a common strategic vision on integrated water resources development and management on a sustainable basis, and to promote awareness of critical water issues at all levels, besides facilitating efficient water conservation, protection, development, planning, management and use of water in all its dimensions on an sustainable basis for the benefit of life on the earth.” The aim of the journal is to focus on the increasing concern on water policy issues of the Global as well as Indian community. Experiences gained from the water sector reforms being carried-out in different States are disseminated to all concerned through various articles. The journal provides an effective vehicle for the exchange of experience and information on developments and management of water sector. In addition, the journal is strongly committed towards publishing papers on the interdisciplinary aspects of water sector policy issues including reforms, socio-economic aspects etc. The journal shall also provide information on the related technical events in India and abroad such as conferences/ training programmes/ exhibition etc. Information relating to WWC activities shall also be highlighted. The articles/technical papers are peer reviewed by editorial Board consisting of renowned experts before publication
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