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Media Watch
Year : 2016, Volume : 7, Issue : 3
First page : ( 342) Last page : ( 353)
Print ISSN : 0976-0911. Online ISSN : 2249-8818.
Article DOI : 10.15655/mw/2016/v7i3/48548

Depicting Development Issues: Thematic Trends of Documentary Films of Mindanao-Based Filmmakers

Luczon Nef T.

Mindanao University of Science and Technology, Philippines

Online published on 12 September, 2016.


Mindanao is the Philippine's second largest island in the south. Identifying Mindanao-based documentaries that have development themes remain unknown or unacknowledged. Using Phenomenology as theoretical framework and method, as a result, the researcher found out that similar to other documentary films in other parts of the country and the world, the themes showed by Mindanao-based documentaries reflect on agriculture, health, women and children, environment and population. However unlike its other foreign and local counterparts, a number of Mindanao-based documentaries anchor the mentioned development themes under the context of peace and conflict situation, human rights, indigenous peoples and their ancestral domains.



Mindanao issues, documentary films, development themes, filmmaking, phenomenology, development communication.


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