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Media Watch

Publisher: Centre For Academic Social Action
Print ISSN: 0976-0911
Online ISSN: 2249-8818
Number of issues per year: 3
Print frequency: Thrice a year
Month(s) of publication: January, May and September

“Media Watch is a peer reviewed and refereed international journal on mass communication, media, journalism, cinema, ICT, advertising and public relations. Media Watch publishes three issues in a year (January, May and September). The main thrust of the journal is to publish original methodological, scientific, and theoretical research papers on various fields of media, communication, film studies, research, theory, and practice for the benefit of the academic community and researchers worldwide. Media Watch is refereed as a trusted source for wide range of high quality research by the leading international universities and academic research centers. Published research articles in Media Watch enjoy very high impact and major citations. Media Watch is supported by strong international editorial advisory support from leading academicians in the world.” Indexed and abstracted with - SCOPUS, Elsevier, EBSCO Communication and Media Index, EMBASE, Scientific Journal Impact Factor(SJIF - 6.969), CrossRef, Reaxys, Google Scholar, ERIH Plus, Asian Education Index, Cite Factor, Scientific Indexing Service, Index Copernicus, Research Bib, Engineering Village, Ulrichs web, J-Gate, Indian Citation Index, DRJI, MIAR (ICDS - 9.4), InfoBase Index(IB Factor - 2.6), I2OR, ESJI, Summon(ProQuest), Indian Science, Cite Factor, ISRA-JIF, Global Impact Factor(0.556 - 2015), Scholar Steer, IIJIF.

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