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Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries

Publisher: Society For Conservation And Resource Development Of Medicinal Plants
Print ISSN: 0975-4261
Online ISSN: 0975-6892
Number of issues per year: 4
Print frequency: Quarterly
Month(s) of publication: January, April, July and October

Society for Conservation and Resource Development of Medicinal Plants (SMP) has been functioning with following aims and objectives of:

• To constitute a forum at international and national level for bringing together individuals and organizations involved in Medicinal Crops

• To develop international research/development linkages and disseminate up-to-date technologies in the field of medicinal plants and their cultivation, standardization through rapid information system

• To promote and undertake research and development and extension services in the field of medicinal crop plants

• To explore new areas to medicinal crop cultivation technologies, development activity and logistic management

• To propagate utilization on non-conventional and renewable sources of medicines from natural plant sources and devices in herbal industry for medicinal plants products processing, including extraction of active ingredients and products of medicinal importance

• To develop purely organic package for growing and cultivation of medicinal crops

• To develop technology of in vitro propagation of important medicinal plants

• To offer recognition and awards to professional groups and individuals for attainment of excellence in the field of medicinal crops and related industries

• To interact with government agencies, scientific organization and NGOs to promote and protect interests of Medicinal crop growers and producers

• To organize symposia, seminars and workshops and bring out timely publication(s) to meet the objectives of the research foundation.

Indexed/Abstracted - UGC CARE(Group II), SCOPUS, EMBASE, NAAS Rating for 2024 - 5.25, MIAR(ICDS - 7.4), Indian Citation Index, Scientific Journal Impact Factor(SJIF - 3.484), InfoBase Index (IB Factor - 3.1), Indian Science Abstract, MAPA, Google Scholar, CAB Abstract, J-Gate, EBSCO Discovery, Agricola, Indian Science, Cite Factor, DRJI, ISRA-JIF, I2OR, ESJI, EZB and IIJI.

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