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Aims and Scope

Medicinal Plants is an International journal, covering all aspects of Phytomedicine, medicinal crop cultivation, ethnobotany, phytochemistry, pharmacognosy, conservation, resource development and biotechnology and related industries. The journal is published quarterly and is now in 8th year of its successful publication.

This journal is promoting interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and ideas. It is a unique endeavour because there is no other journal in the world which exclusively covers all aspects of medicinal plants. The MedicinalPlants is planned with the aim of providing a high profile vehi cle for the publication of innovative and original research results. In addition to full-length papers and short communications on original research, the journal also includes review articles, fact sheets on emerging medicinal plants, industry news, forth coming events and current references on the subject. The volume 10 (2), 2018 has now been published and Abstracts of the published papers are available on-line at the website www.indianjournals.com. The printing of the journal is as per international standards. A large number scientists from India and abroad, working on medicinal plants contribute their research papers in the journal.

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