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Medico-Legal Update
Year : 2019, Volume : 19, Issue : 2
First page : ( 494) Last page : ( 499)
Print ISSN : 0971-720X. Online ISSN : 0974-1283.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-1283.2019.00225.1

Comparison between Kinesio taping and Compression Garments on physical muscle strength and stability

Kang Woo-Jae1, Lee Hyun-Jin1, Cho Seo-Hee1, Hong Ji-Heon2, Kim Jin-seop2, Lee Dong-Yeop2, Yu Jae-Ho2,*

1Student, Dept. of Physical Therapy, SunMoon University, South Korea

2Professor, Dept. of Physical Therapy, SunMoon University, South Korea

*Corresponding Author: Jae-Ho Yu, Professor, Dept. of Physical Therapy, SunMoon University, South Korea, Email: naresa@sunmoon.ac.kr

Online published on 8 August, 2019.


This study measures strength and static/dynamic balance to investigate the impact of KTCG with kinesiology taping and the application of the KT technique on strength and stability. measured 34 peoples on following metrics to evaluate the stability and strength under the normal condition, with KT technique and with KTCG: Average torque of extensor and flexor under isometric and isokinetic, Reaching distance and AP, ML, overall sway and sway velocity. In addition to aforementioned measures. All measures were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. We found that the presence of applying on the KT technique and putting on the KTCG had no significant difference on muscle strength(Average torque of extensor and flexor under isometric and isokinetic) and part of stability(Reaching distance of anterior, Posteromedial, and Posterolateral, ML sway) with the p-value larger than.05(p>.05). However, the metrics such as AP sway, Overall sway, and sway velocity had a significant p-value being smaller than.05(p<.05). As a result, applying on the KT technique and putting on the KTCG is helpful to increase balance ability. And, gives positive effect to stability psychologically.



Kinesio Taping, Compression garments, Muscle strength, Dynamic Stability, Static Stability.


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