Green Practices of Star Hotels in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation: A Study on Consumer Perspectives Behera Arakhita Guest Faculty Department of Economics Studies and Planning, School of Business Studies, Central University of Karnataka, Kadaganchi, Aland Road, Kalaburagi, Karnataka-585367, Email- beheraarakhita996@gmail.com, barakhita88@uohyd.ac.in Online published on 15 February, 2019. Abstract The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between consumer perception and their attitude on green practices of star hotels in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) and willingness to pay for it. This paper analyses data collected from 147 star hotel consumers across GHMC to gain insight into consumer perceptions and attitudes towards green practices and their willingness to pay. First, a factor analysis and an ordered logit regression analysis are applied to obtain the value of willingness to pay and determine the factors influencing it. The findings illustrate that there is an unfilled market niche for ‘Green’ in star hotels, as consumer cares about star hotels that protecting the environment and would be willing to pay more to offset any additional costs associated with green practices. Top Keywords Green practices, star hotels, willingness to pay, ordered-logit model, greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, consumer perspectives. Top | |
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