Role of children in family purchase decision making Kannan N.S. Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu, India. Online published on 1 October, 2012. Abstract Nations around the world are experiencing dramatic shifts in their political, economic and social structures, especially countries like India. In the past, children did not have active role in their family decision making process. But now a days in the family structure, priority and importance is being given to the children to a great extent. They influence a family's decision making in the purchase of a variety of products. They choose brands from what has been registered in their minds through advertisements on various media especially television. This could be conceptually accounted to marketers targeting more and more children. Children's influence on decision making does not end in the selection of products related to them like toys, chocolates, health drinks, etc; but it extends to a lot of other products also. The study tries to find out to what extent children influence the purchase of a particular product/brand and in what kind of products. Top | |
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