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Mass Communicator: International Journal of Communication Studies
Year : 2024, Volume : 18, Issue : 3
First page : ( 33) Last page : ( 40)
Print ISSN : 0973-9688. Online ISSN : 0973-967X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-967X.2024.00022.8

The Power of Boundaries and Support: Investigating the Parenting Paradigms in Bollywood

Das Anubhav, Bose Aditya, Pirgal Labdhi, Deepanka HS, Jagadish Gowri

Undergraduate Student, Department of Media Studies, Christ (Deemed To Be University), Bannerghatta Road Campus, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560076

Online Published on 25 October, 2024.



This research examines the nuanced ways in which parenting is portrayed in Bollywood movies, concentrating on the movie "Udaan." We explore how Bollywood portrays parental roles and their impact on family dynamics through a detailed analysis of the characters and topics in the film.


This study uses a qualitative research pattern to learn more about how Indian parents and kids view how parents are portrayed in the movie "Udaan." By using qualitative analysis, we could delve deeper into the specifics and nuanced viewer responses, interpretations, and feelings regarding the film and 10 academic and journalistic papers and articles about the movie "Udaan" were read to help us comprehend the context, themes, and critical reception of the film.


The study reveals unsettling elements of these depictions, such as the reinforcement of traditional gender norms, severe academic expectations, materialistic ideals, and the portrayal of parents as adversaries. The research also examines how society and culture affect parenting by examining the relationships and characters in the film.


According to the research, open and honest dialogues are necessary to change cultural attitudes and foster healthier family relations, redefine success beyond material wealth, and challenge accepted conventions. The research’s primary takeaway is that in order to promote healthy and realistic family ties in the real world, it is important to critically engage with Bollywood’s representation of parenting and help to reshape social perceptions regarding parenting and family ties.



Parenting styles, Bollywood, Authoritative parenting, Family relations, Developmental stages, Child-rearing methods.


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