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Mass Communicator: International Journal of Communication Studies
Year : 2024, Volume : 18, Issue : 3
First page : ( 4) Last page : ( 16)
Print ISSN : 0973-9688. Online ISSN : 0973-967X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-967X.2024.00013.6

Influence of New Media Sites on Youth: A Study of Jammu Region, J&K, India

Dr. Kumar Dilip1, Anshul2

1Associate Professor and Course Coordinator, English Journalism, Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Northern Regional Campus, Jammu

2B.Voc. (Banking and Financial Services), Community College, Central University of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir-181143

Online Published on 25 October, 2024.



Today internet has become a necessary component of our lives due to the fast advancement of technology in recent years. New media has emerged with the internet and is utilized by anyone, but particularly by youth. New media has created both new challenges and exciting opportunities. On the other hand, young people’s usage of new media has frequently behavioral and psychological impacts that can either benefit or hurt them. In addition to educating and entertaining a large audience, there are drawbacks to new media as well. Cybercrime, addiction to new media, and other health issues are all major issues.


Social networking sites has two effects: firstly, it helps young professionals to market their skills and look for business opportunities; on secondly it facilitates networking and presents a number of risks related to online communities. Overall, social networking is a valuable tool for professionals.


The study examined how social networks affect young people & a number of related topics.


According to the study conducted in the Jammu Region of Jammu and Kashmir, India, the impact of new media websites on youth is substantial and diverse.



Technology, New Media, Young, Jammu, Influence.


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