Content analysis of BBC sherlock with special reference to portrayal of sherlock in the series Kumar Mohit1, Malik Pawan Singh2 1Ph. D. Scholar, Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal, India. 2Senior Assistant Professor, Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal, India Online published on 29 May, 2021. Abstract BBC produced program Sherlock Holmes is a fictional Investigative Television Series, which is modern day adaptation of Sherlock created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. BBC Sherlock is famous for its production design & story treatment. Writers of the show creatively wrote the character of Sherlock and producers beautifully portrayed it onscreen. This paper attempts to analyse the portrayal of Sherlock in the show on different parameters through qualitative & quantitative data using observation &content analysis method from the selected sample. Three episodes as sample (one each from first three seasons) have been selected for the study following systematic random sampling method. Top Keyword Masculinity, Sherlock, BBC, Observation, Content Analysis.. Top |