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Library Herald
Year : 2019, Volume : 57, Issue : 3
First page : ( 327) Last page : ( 341)
Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-2469.2019.00019.8

Accountability in Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

Garg Mohit1, Ms Priya2

1Assistant Librarian, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, mohitji@igntu.ac.in

2Library Information Assistant, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, priyarangra26494@gmail.com

Online published on 17 September, 2019.


Accountability in Research is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal published by Taylor & Francis. The present bibliometric study analyzed 575 scholarly communications published in the journal during 1989 to 2018. The study highlights the distribution of articles, authorship patterns, collaborative coefficient, H-classic publication, research themes of the journal. The study found that half of the papers were authored by single author (290 papers, 50.43%). The results indicated that the growth of articles in the journal increased from 9 articles in 1989 to 30 articles in 2018. Majority of the contributions was by United States in every respect. The study found that United States has received highest number of citations (2528 citations, 77.43%), but in terms of CPP value the impact of papers of Australia is much higher than any other country including United States. The CPP value of 575 papers was 5.68. Elliott, K.C. contributed papers with highest CPP value of 15.33. The study showed that the collaborative research work has been increased among the authors of the journal. The journal has published 24 h-classic papers in last three decades.



Bibliometrics, Accountability in Research, Authorship pattern, Collaborative Coefficient, H-Classic.


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