A Study of Information Resources and Services in the Select Libraries of Fine Arts Colleges and Art Galleries in India Rani Rekha1, Kumar Shailendra2 1Ph. D Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, India. Email: ranirekha191@gmail.com 2Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, India. Email: shail3@yahoo.com Online published on 23 July, 2019. Abstract This study examines information resources in both forms i.e. print and non-print and services in Fine Arts Colleges and Art Galleries. To conduct the study, a survey was made, and structured interview was also conducted with the Librarian/Head of the institution of select libraries in India. From the findings of the study, it reveals that most of libraries/institution have good collection of print as well as non print materials. For automated services in the library, it was found that only four libraries out of twelves libraries selected are using library automation software. Except IGNCA no one is using digital library software in the area of art. Top Keywords Information Resources, Information Service, Fine Art, Galleries. Top |