Time Series Analysis of Research Output of Social Sciences in India During 2005–2014 Pandya Miteshkumar Scientist-B (Library Science), Information and Library Network Centre, P.B. No. 4, Infocity, Gandhinagar-382007, Gujarat. E-mail: mitesh@inflibnet.ac.in Online published on 29 December, 2017. Abstract The present study examines the pattern of growth of research in India during 2005–2014 in social sciences as reflected by the number of papers indexed by SCImago Journal & Country Rank portal. The study unveils that during the period of study contributions from the Indian social scientist in terms of research output in social science and allied disciplines have increased. However, the proportion of uncited documents has also increased. Average citation per document in the later period has declined. It is also observed that the international collaboration among the Indian researcher is increasing in terms of number of publications. Highest number of papers has been published in the discipline of geographical sciences. Top Keywords Research Output, Time Series Analysis, Social Sciences, SCImago Journal & Country Rank. Top | |
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