Growing Threat of Predatory Publishing in 21st Century: A Study Garanayak Satyabrata Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Pondicherry University. Email: satya75pu@gmail.com Online published on 29 December, 2017. Abstract The evolution of predatory journal publishing is not so long ago; but the way of they spread is very dangerous in the near future of scholarly research. They misuse the open access publishing model and charge huge publication fees/Article Processing Charges to publish scientific papers without any peer review/little peer-review. These hoax publishing have been spamming authors mainly with emails, inviting them to submit research papers for publication. The wide spread of these journals are negatively affecting on the ethics of the admissible journals, the reputations of authors, academic organisations & research institutions, and even the researchers and students. This situation is very critical towards online open access publishing and how to stop these publishing is a big challenge for academic researcher. The reason behind the problems is not the publishers alone; some researchers are also to blame for creating such types of challenges. Authors should avoid this publishing firm to respect the real science and real research. This paper highlights an overview of predatory publishing, some predatory frequently used terms, reason behind these publishing and what are the precautions followed to controlling this type of fraud are the basic of the study. Top Keywords Predatory Journal publishing, Open-Access (OA), Article Processing Charges (APCs), Predatory Publishers, Predatory Stand-alone Journals, Hijacked Journals, Misleading Metrics. Top | |
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