Use of E-journals by Faculty Members and Research Scholars in Area Studies: A Case Study of Select Area Studies Centres of Jawaharlal Nehru University Zia Tasnim*, Dr. Singh KP** *Assistant Librarian, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi-110007. Email: tasnimzia@yahoo.com **Associated Professor, Departmanet of Library & Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007. Email: kpsingh330@gmil.com Online published on 31 March, 2017. Abstract This paper revolves around the use of e-journals with the objective to ascertain their relevance in research and teaching in the discipline of Area Studies in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). For undertaking this study, structured questionnaires were distributed among faculty and research scholars of select/three Area Studies Centres of JNU. The study brings out that e journals are getting popular for research and teaching in Area Studies. Another noteworthy aspect is that Consortia in Area Studies are gaining popularity amongst the specialists. The study indicates that if the users are imparted training through ILPs regularly, it would hone their skills and enable them to optimally use subscribed as well as open access databases. Top Keywords E journals, Area Studies, Usage. Top | |
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