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Library Herald
Year : 2012, Volume : 50, Issue : 1
First page : ( 42) Last page : ( 53)
Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469.

Network of Rural Libraries in Madhya Pradesh: A Study

Dr Sharma Arvind K.*, Jayant Jaswant Singh**

* Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, MLB Government College of Excellence, Gwalior- 474009. Email: arvindksharma22@gmail.com

** Naka Chandra Vadni, Gwalior- 474009.

Online published on 3 January, 2013.


This article deals with the Network of Rural Libraries in Madhya Pradesh established by Government of Madhya Pradesh under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). Since 26 January 2003, libraries are being established in villages. Government has determined an amount of Rs. 12,500 for establishing a rural library/cultural centre. Total number of rural libraries established were 604 in Gwalior district, 572 in Datia district and 1300 in Shivpuri district during 2003 – 2008. Sixty questionnaires were sent to select 20 libraries of each district of Datia, Gwalior and Shivpuri. Out of these, only 57 (97%) libraries responded. Major finding are: preraks or in charge of rural libraries, majority of library-in-charges have passed Higher Secondary (43.86%), only Rs. 500/- to Rs. 1000/- were paid to the in charge, majority of rural libraries (98.25%) have books, these libraries have no library management software or network connection. The collected data indicated that majority (84.21%) of libraries have television.



Networks, Library networks, Rural Library Networks, Rural Libraries, Madhya Pradesh.


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