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Library Herald
Year : 2006, Volume : 44, Issue : 1
First page : ( 33) Last page : ( 40)
Print ISSN : 0024-2292. Online ISSN : 0976-2469.

State-of-the-Art of Documentation and Information Services in SAU Libraries in India

Gautam JN1Professor & Dean, Srivastava MAHENDRA NARAYAN2Librarian

1SOS in Library and Information Science, Jiwaji University, Gwalior.

2Government PG College, Obedullaganj, Raisen.


The paper presents the state-of-the-art position of documentation and information services in agricultural universities in India. On the basis of survey report, highlights conventional documentation and information services, namely bibliographic service, current awareness service, abstracting and indexing service, reprographic and newspaper clipping services. It gives the present situation of library automation, computerisation, CD-ROM database services, Internet and On-line facilities, availability of software operating systems, library software packages, electronic services like CD-ROM, E-mail, Multimedia, etc. Finally highlights the reprographic services provided by these libraries as a part of information services.


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