Users’ Education Programme for Marketing Strategy in Context of Information Society Promila1, (MRS), Senior Lecturer 1Department of Library and Information Science, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (Haryana), E-mail: promilapawar@yahoo.com Abstract Educating the users forms the integral part of marketing strategy in all the sectors of the economy, be it Banking, Agriculture, Health or Railways etc. The significance of the marketing aspect can be realized from the fact that today even political parties spend handsome amount of funds on educating the people about their ways and means, the direct result of which can be felt at the ballot boxes. But as far as Information Sector is concerned there is a paradoxical situation amongst its major constituent agencies i.e., Information Architects and the Information Managers, whereby the former has responded with tremendous changes with total transformation of marketing strategy from that of traditional to a modern one. But the Information Managers are slow to respond in this regard and thus there is growing challenge for them to be taken over by their counterparts. Top | |
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