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KIIT Journal of Library and Information Management
Year : 2019, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : ( 51) Last page : ( 58)
Print ISSN : 2348-0858. Online ISSN : 2455-8060.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2455-8060.2019.00007.7

Preference of Electronic Over Print: A Case Study among Scientists and Research Scholars of IGIB, India

Pandey Uma1,3,*, Sukula Shiva Kanaujia2

1Assistant Librarian, Integral University, Lucknow

2Deputy Librarian, B.R. Ambedkar Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, shivasukula25@gmail.com

3Research Scholar, Shri Venkateshwara University, Gajraula, Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author email id: umaraj.lib@gmail.com

Online published on 28 February, 2019.


The fundamental purposes of this study were to assess the preference of Search engines and Knowledge Portals among the researchers and scientists of IGIB, Delhi Library. The results which were specified to weighted mean and percentages showed that the respondents strongly agree and agree resource preferred for using the search engines and knowledge portals. The results on the level preference of electronic information over print information on Search Engines and Knowledge Portals are very good. The results of the mode access knowledge portals and search engines by the scientists and researchers of IGIB‘I Search for it by Name through a Web Search Engines’ ranked first mode and features expected in future search engines and knowledge portals by the scientists and researchers of IGIB. The option ‘Searching Capability Across Wide Range of Resources’ ranked first expected feature and analyse that the using of resources available on search engines and knowledge portals affect principle purpose of the scientists and researchers of IGIB. The option ‘Narrows/Broadness the Focus’ is mainly affected principle purpose. Based on the findings, it was recommended that since the search engines and knowledge portals are being very much utilised and effective the scientists and researchers of IGIB, Delhi, required to be exposed advance techniques through information technology programmes or other advancement, hardware and software amenities should be made obtainable to the IGIB, Delhi library.



Search engines, Knowledge portals, Preference, Mode, Electronic information, Scientists, Research scholars.


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