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Guidelines for Author

KIIT Journal of Library and Information Management (KJLIM) seeks to receive manuscripts with the understanding that they have not been previously published in or submitted to other journals. These Authors Guidelines are published to help authors to prepare and submit articles to a standard format that will be accepted by KJLIM.

Review Process: Manuscripts are acknowledged by e-mail to the corresponding authors upon their receipt. The manuscript is read and examined for conformity to the Authors Guidelines by one of the editors. The editor calls upon qualified reviewers to evaluate the submitted article. After this evaluation process, the editor receives the comments from the peer reviewers regarding the suitability of the submission and the editorial decision is communicated to the corresponding author.

The Editorial Board reserves all the rights to accept, alter or reject the articles without any prior intimation. The Editorial Board accepts no responsibility of the statements and opinions expressed by the contributors.

Copyright and permission: The copyright of articles accepted for KJLIM rests with the publisher(s). The author has to submit signed copyright declaration form in the prescribed format after acceptance of the papers.

Format and style of articles: Articles should contain a brief and informative title. An informative abstract of not more than 250 words is required for all articles. After the abstract, author(s) should provide a minimum of six keywords.

Illustrations: Tables and Figures: Illustrations (tables and figures) should be embedded within the text. All illustrations should be cited in the text as Table 1, Table 2, etc or Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.

Citations in the text: KJLIM follows APA style. All references should be cited in the text mentioning the last name of the author and year of publication between parentheses. In case of two authors, both should be mentioned. When there are three or more authors, mention only the first author followed by et al., and the year. See examples:

One author: (Panda, 2010).
Two-authors: (Sukla & Kaula, 1987)
Three or more authors: papers by three or more authors are cited by the first author followed by et al., and the date: (Kaula et al., 2003).
Two or more references with the same author and the same year: (Koltay, 2013a; 2013b; 2013c).

Citations in the reference section
At the end of the article, in the reference section the literature should be arranged in alphabetical order. If there is the occurrence of two or more works by the same author, they should be in chronological order.

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