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Journal Of Veterinary Pharmacology And Toxicology
Year 2023, Volume-22, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0972-8872

Table of contents RSS Feed

Review Article

Reactive oxygen nitrogen species and antioxidant
Govind Kumar Choudhary, Ramesh Kumar Nirala, Nirbhay Kumar, Archana, Pankaj Kumar Choudhary, Rajesh Kumar, Satya Pal Singh

Research Articles

Status of amprolium residue in poultry meat sold in Jammu region of Ut of J. & K.
Lenesha Manhas, Nrip Kishore Pankaj, Pawan Kumar Verma, Shafiqur Rahman

Cytotoxicity evaluation of medicinal plants of Himachal Pradesh
Pallavi Bhardwaj, Rakesh Kumar, Shraya Thakur

Freezability effect on seminal characteristic of Bachaur bull in Bihar
C. S. Azad, J. K. Prasad, R.K. Nirala, D. Sengupta, S. K. Sheetal

Controlled release acarbose beads ameliorates ruminal function for extended time
S.S. Sole, Vishal P. Mote, Purva Joshi, Ravindra Ambade

Pharmacokinetics of danofloxacin after intravenous administration in rabbits
D. R. Prajapati, H. A. Patel, S. K. Mody, H.B. Patel, C. M. Modi

Therapeutic effects of hesperidin on N-methyl-nnitrosourea induced mammary tumors in rats
P. Atul Urkude, D. Priti Vihol, Jignesh M. Patel, Jatin H. Patel, Raseshkumar D. Varia, Vishal L. Saurathiya, Milind U. Dalvi

Effect of methanolic extract of Emblica officinalis on haematological parameters in wistar rats
Ramesh Kumar Nirala, Preety Raj, G. K. Choudhary, K. Anjana, Archana

Prophylactic efficacy of Bi-Herbal extracts of Aegle marmelos and Annona squamosa on adenine induced chronic kidney disease in rats
D.R. Patel, K.A. Sadariya, V.M. Patel, R.D. Patel, V.N. Sarvaiya, T.H. Solanki, S.K. Bhavsar

Ameliorative potential of Trianthema portulacastrum L. in cyclophosphamide induced hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in rats
P. U. Aswathy, A. H. Ahmad, Disha Pant, P. C. Patwal, Manish Verma, Deeksha Maletha

PK/PD Integration and pharmacokinetic study of moxifloxacin after single intravenous and intramuscular administration in female sahiwal calves
M. Meena, A. Gaur, P. Sharma, O. P. Meena

Effect of polyherbal formulation on oxidative stress and genotoxicity in lactating holstein friesian crossbred cattle
Surbhi Jain, M. K. Lonare, Saloni Singla, Manjinder Sharma, Milindmitra K Lonare, Simarjeet Kaur

Evaluation of anti-arthritic potential of Pongamia pinnata in arthritic rats
Nidhi Arya, A.H. Ahmad, Disha Pant, Deeksha Maletha, Munish Batra, Sonam Sharma

Efficacy of lactoferrin in carbon tetrachloride and high fat diet induced hypoglycaemic and hypolipidemic mice
Venkata K.V. Rao, Usha M. Rani, Gopala A. Reddy, M Lakshman, P Kalyani, B Swathi, Vanitha K Sree, B Rajender

The hypoglycemic effect of stem bark of Neolamarckia cadamba on streptozotocin-induced diabetes wistar rats
Pradnya C. Diwthe, A. Sawarkar, A.P. Somkuwar, Sonal Dubey, R.P. Limsay, S. Umap

Unveiling the hepatoprotective and lipid-boosting power of Cichorium intybus extract in countering lead and nickel-induced toxicity
Abhishek Pathak, Satyapal Singh, Sabhyata Sharma

Amelioration of thiamethoxam-induced oxidative stress in blood by quercetin co-treatment in male wistar rats
Ankit Nigam, Vinay Kant, Vinod Kumar


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