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Journal of Veterinary Parasitology
Year : 2012, Volume : 26, Issue : 1
First page : ( 57) Last page : ( 59)
Print ISSN : 0971-6157. Online ISSN : 0974-0813.

Prevalence of Eimeria spp. in goats of Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir State*

Iqbal Asif*, Wazir V.S., Katoch R.2, Singh R., Suri S., Yadav Anish2, Najimaana

Division of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, FVSc & A.H., SKUAST-J, R.S. Pura, Jammu181 102, India

2Division of Veterinary Parasitology

1Corresponding author: E-mail asifent2008@gmail.com

*Part of MVSc thesis by first author

Online published on 31 October, 2012.


Fecal samples of 384 goats (Capra hircus) from Jammu region were examined for the presence of coccidia oocysts. Seven species of Eimeria were identified viz., E. arloingi, E. christenseni, E. ninakohlyakimovae, E. parva, E. fauri, E. caprina and E. kocharii. Of these seven species, E. parva and E. fauri were recorded for the first time in Jammu. An overall prevalence of 54.43% was recorded. Kids had higher oocyst count as compared to hoggets and adult goats. Mixed infection was common and accounted for 95.22% in positive cases. Eimeria arloingiwas the predominant species in all age groups, whereas E. christenseniwas common in 6–12 months age group only.



Eimeria, Prevalence, Goat.


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