Journal of Teacher Education and Research
Ram-Eesh Institute of Education
Print ISSN: 0974-8210
Online ISSN: 2454-1664
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December
Description: The Journal of Teacher Education and Research (formerly Ram-Eesh Journal of Education) is the official Journal of the Ram-Eesh Institute of Education, which was established in 1999 under the Rama-Eesh Charitable Trust, New Delhi. Its first issue was published in 2004. It is a half- yearly journal. The purpose of this Journal is to foster inter cultural communication among educators & teachers nationwide; encourage transactional collaborative efforts in research & development; and promote critical understanding of teacher education problems in a global perspective. The Journal is designed to reflect balanced representation of authors from different regions of the Country. The opinion and views expressed in this Journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions of the Editor, Advisory Board and of the Ram-Eesh Institute of Education.
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