Agricultural Research Journal
Year 2024, Volume-61, Issue-4 (August)
Print ISSN: 2395-1435
Online ISSN: 2395-146X Table of Contents Review Paper Water Resource Scenario in Punjab: Challenges and Technological Interventions for Sustainable use in Agriculture V K Sindhu, Sukhpreet Singh and A S Brar DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00062.0 Research Papers Optimizing Wheat Production: Effects of Alginate Oligosaccharide under Limited Nitrogen Fertilization Dalia M F Mubarak and Khaled M Abd El-Rheem DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00063.7 Millets Sector in India: Trends, Role, Challenges, and Way ahead Saloni Bhutani DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00064.3 Influence of Sixth-Week Body Weight on Egg Production and Quality during Early Lay Period in Japanese Quail O M A Jesuyon, K L Akinsola and S O Oseni DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00065.X Productivity, Profitability and Soil Health of Gobhi Sarson (Brassica napus L.) as Influenced by Organic Nutrition and Planting Geometry A S Sidhu, C S Aulakh, Amit Salaria, Neeraj Rani, Surinder Singh and Gulab Pandove DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00066.6 Economic Empowerment of Dairy Farmers through Dairy Cooperative Societies in Nagaland Vika A Kiba, Sanjoy Das and G V Rohith DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00067.2 Coconut Cultivation in Indian Peninsular States: Analyzing Production Trends, Price Fluctuations, and Economic Challenges B Gandhimathy DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00068.9 Development and Laboratory Test of an Injection System for the Tractor Operated Liquid Urea Applicator Parveen Dhanger, Rohinish Khurana, Anoop Kumar Dixit, Manjeet Singh and Kanwardeep Singh DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00069.5 Interactive Effect of Silicate Solubilizing Bacterium Pseudomonas baetica and Fly Ash Application on Wheat Crop Gourav Chopra, Amit Kumar Sharma, Meena Rani and Leela Wati DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00070.6 Impact of Climate-Smart Practices on Household Food Security: Evidence from Punjab Smily Thakur, Baljinder Kaur Sidana, Arjinder Kaur, Sangeet Ranguwal and Sunny Kumar DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00071.2 Dynamic Water Requirements for Optimal Cropping Pattern under Tank Command Areas in Andhra Pradesh, India Madhurima U, Karunakaran K R, Suresh Kumar D, Pazhanivelan S and Panneerselvam S DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00072.9 Cassava Leaf Diseases Detection and Classification with Advanced Machine Learning Techniques Vibha Aggarwal, Sandeep Gupta, Manjeet Singh Patterh and Lovepreet Singh DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00073.5 Techno-Functional Properties of Two Varieties of Moringa Seeds Diksha and Jagbir Rehal DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00074.1 Climate Change and its Effects on Prices of Vegetables in Tamil Nadu J V Arun, D Kalaiarasi and A Premkumar DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00075.8 Real-Time Decision Support System for Tractor Load Management Gurkanwal Singh, Jasanmol Singh, Apoorv Prakash, Anoop Kumar Dixit and Rohinish Khurana DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00076.4 Phenophasic Changes for Rice Varieties under Projected Climate Scenarios in Kerala B Ajithkumar and Riya K R DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00077.0 Enhancing Antioxidant Activity and Osmolyte Accumulation in Heat-Stressed Maize Hybrids with Plant Growth Promoters and Thermotolerance-Induced Seeds Doddaghatta H Raviteja, M M Dhanoji, P H Kuchanur, Amaregouda A, R P Patil and Srikanth Barkeer DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00078.7 Biocontrol Potential of Bacterial Isolates Against Soil Borne Phytopathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, Causal Agent of Stem Rot in Indian Mustard Reetranjan Kaur, Sanjula Sharma, Pratibha Vyas, Prabhjodh Singh Sandhu and Sunidhi Thakiyal DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00079.3 Research Notes Efficiency of Microbial Consortium in Degrading Rice Straw under Solid State Fermentation Neha and Priya Katyal DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00080.4 Influence of Rootstock on Plant Growth, Productivity and Fruit Quality Characteristics of Kinnow Mandarin under Indian Sub-Tropics Jamaluddin Mashaal, Gurteg Singh, H S Rattanpal and Monika Gupta DOI:10.5958/2395-146X.2024.00081.0 Top |