Storage stability and quality assessment of grain based instant mixes Pathania Shivani*, Singh B, Sharma S, Kaur A, Raina Vanshika Department of Food Science and Technology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana – 141004 *Corresponding author: shivani.phd.ft@gmail.com
Online published on 18 May, 2015. Abstract The present investigation was carried out to develop low cost instant mixes and assess their shelf life. Four blends were optimized using response surface methodology for grain mixes. The four blends viz., rice: chickpea: groundnut; rice: mungbean: groundnut; wheat: chickpea: groundnut and wheat: mungbean: groundnut were extruded and mixed with skimmed milk powder and powdered sugar to develop instant mixes. Instant mixes were stored in high density poly ethylene for six months under ambient conditions. Moisture, the water activity, colour, free fatty acid content and sensory parameters were used to evaluate the shelf life of the products. The products were acceptable for a period of six months. The instant mixes were compared with the commercially available products and it was found that mixes were comparable to the commercial products in terms of nutrition and had considerably less cost. Hence, low cost nutritious instant mixes can be processed to combat protein energy malnutrition with high storage stability. Top Keywords Extrusion, Instant mixes, Quality, Shelf life. Top | |
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