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Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year 2003, Volume-3 (December)
Print ISSN : 0972-5687

Table of contents


Correlation of serum cholesterol level in cases of suicidal tendencies
Dr. Kirpal Singh, Dr. Ashok Chanana, Dr. Hakumat Rai, Dr. Jagdish Gargi

Forensic entomology - A guide to post-mortem interval
Dr. A.D. Aggarwal, Dr. R.K. Gorea, Dr. O.P. Aggarwal, Dr. Devinder Singh

Forensic medicine specialist and female foeticide
Dr. D.S. Bhullar, Dr. S.S. Oberoi, Dr. A.D. Aggarwal

Environmental impact of coal utilisation in thermal power plant
K. Kant, S.K. Chakarvarti

Unusual changes in eyes in a case of a typical hanging-role of cervical sympathetic system
Dr. Ashok Chanana, Dr. Hakumat Rai, Dr. Jagdish Gargi, Dr. Vijay Arora

A study of demographic variables of violent asphyxial death
Dr. Amandeep Singh, Dr. R.K. Gorea, Dr. J.S. Dalal, Dr. A.S. Thind, Dr. Deepak Walia

Poisoning trends in the malwa region of Punjab
Dr. Karamjit Singh, Dr. S.S. Oberoi, Dr. D.S. Bhullar

Scars and circumstances of death
Dr. Ashok Chanana, Dr. Hakumat Rai, Dr. Jagdish Gargi, Dr. Vijay Arora

Forensic nursing - A boon to the society
Dr. R.K. Gorea, Virginia A. Lynch

Detection of forgery in erasing document and forensic experts - A case study
Dr. Inderjit Singh, Dr. D.S. Bhullar

Brought alive for post-mortem examination
Dr. J.S. Dalal, Dr. R.K. Gorea

Current trends of poisoning - A hospital profile
Dr. J. Gargi, Dr. Hakumat Rai, Dr. Ashok Chanana, Dr. Gurmanjit Rai, Dr. Gaurav Sharma, Dr. I.J.S. Bagga


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