Influence of seedling age on growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under mechanized system of rice intensification (MSRI) Sowmyalatha B.S1,*, Ramachandra C1, Krishnamurthy N2, Shivakumar N1 1Zonal Agricultural Research Station, V.C. Farm, Mandya, Karnataka 2University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore *E-mail:
Online published on 29 November, 2017. Abstract A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2013 and 2014 at Zonal Agriculture Research Station, V.C. Farm, Mandya, Karnataka with an objective of optimizing the seedling age and its influence on growth and yield of rice under mechanized System of Rice Intensification. MSRI includes transplanting young seedling at wider row spacing through transplanter followed by other principles of SRI. Seedlings were raised in tray of 47 cm length and 20 cm width size with a 1: 1 proportion of soil and compost mixture. The result of the investigation indicated that, planting 15 days old seedling through transplanter at wider row spacing (23 cm × 23 cm) followed by nitrogen application in 4 splits and pre mixture herbicide application of bensulfuron methyl + pretilachlor (6.6 G) at 3 DAT followed by conoweeding at 25 DAT recorded significantly higher root length (35.13 cm hill−1), root volume (63.33 cc hill−1), total dry matter (112.08 g hill−1), more number of panicles hill−1 (23.00) higher grain yield (8303 kg ha−1) and B: C ratio (3.74) and which was on par with manual planting followed by SRI principles recorded higher grain yield of 8587 kg ha−1 as compared to other treatments. Top Keywords Mechanised System of Rice Intensification, Seedling Age, Transplanter. Top |