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Journal of Pearldent
Year 2010, Volume-1, Issue-1 (January)
Print ISSN : 0976-0180

Table of contents

President Message: Season's Greetings……….
Dr. Naveen H S


A study on the relationship between ceramo-metal bondstrength and ceramic firing temperature - research publication.
Dr. Shibu A, Prof. Dr. E. Munirathnam Naidu, Dr. H. Annapoorni, Dr. K. Chandrasekharan Nair

Use of Biomaterials In Surgical Endodontics: A Case Report
Dr. M. J. Bharath, Dr. C. K. Sahadev, Dr. M. R. Praveen Kumar, Dr. H. B. Swetha, Dr. Pankaj Yadav

Periodontal Status In Geriatrics- An Epidemiological Study
Dr. Krishna Kripal, Dr. C.D. Dwarakanath, Dr. Jayakumari

Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Leukoplakia - A Case Report
Dr. Vikash Ranjan, Dr. M K Sunil, Dr. Sophia Kurien, Dr. Raghav Kumar, Dr. Ganapathi Moger

Capillary Haemangioma – A Short Communication
Dr. Sarvani Murthy, Dr. Sunita Betkerur, Dr. B.R. Smitha

CAD/CAM Dental Systems: The Present and the Future
Dr. S.P. Katti, Dr. Bharath Shetty, Dr. K. Ramya

Gingival smile! Can botox help?
Dr. U S Pavithra, Dr. Lavesh Vati Deshwal


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