Journal of Orofacial and Health Sciences
DJ College of Dental Sciences & Research
Print ISSN: 0976-5360
Online ISSN: 2229-3264
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December
Description: The journal aims to publish quality peer reviewed articles pertaining to areas of original research, case reports, clinical pearls, book reviews and reviews on all aspects of dentistry. Research in the fields of craniofacial ,molecular biology ,genetics ,epidemiology and oral health would be specially encouraged. Topics covered in the journal would include all aspects of general dentistry and the various specialties including the fields of dental biomaterials, oral biosciences, oral rehabilitation, forensic odontology ,aesthetic dentistry, implantology newer diagnostic techniques and dental sleep medicine.
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- * Online subscription rates are inclusive of service tax.
- * Online subscription includes limited access (5 concurrent users) of current subscription
plus contents published from 2005(If available).
- ** Print includes complimentary online limited acess (5 concurrent users).
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