Determining the Factors Influencing the Online Channel Adoption Intent among Insurance Agents Maheswari V. Uma, Chandrasekaran Uma Department of Management Studies, School of Management, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry-605 014 (India) Online published on 10 February, 2017. Abstract The aim of this paper is to identify the factors that have an influence over the online channel adoption intent of the insurance agents on the basis of which a conceptual model can be developed and tested empirically. This study uses relevant variables from the existing literature and has also introduced new variables which will have an influence over the online channel adoption of the insurance agents. Nine factors had been identified through exploratory factor analysis and it's been found that training has been emerged as the most important factor of all the nine factors. Based on these factors a model can be developed to understand the interrelationships among the factors. Top Keywords Online channel, Insurance agents, Behavioral intention, Training, Factor analysis. Top | |
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