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Journal of Management Research
Year : 2001, Volume : 1, Issue : 2

Print ISSN : 0972-5814.

From the Editor's Desk

Dr. Gupta H. D.*

*E-mail: jmrhdg@rediffmail.com


The first issue of Journal of Management Research has received spontaneous unprecedented response from business schools, industry, academicians and researchers. This overwhelming response is heartening and this strengthens our resolve to bring to you the best of management ideas and research. I on behalf of the entire team of Journal of Management Research assure you that we would line upto your expectations.

We are searching, locating and contacting best minds in the academics, consulting and business-research papers for the benefit of our readers. This is a long, tedious and time consuming process. Producing a world class journal from India has its own limitations and unique problems. However you will surely notice the result of our efforts in the near future.

We invite you to contribute articles and research papers to Journal of Management Research. We welcome your suggestions to improve the journal. We hope that you will spare some time to send your comments, suggestions and ideas. We are looking forward to your response.


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