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Journal of Management Research

Publisher: South Asia Publication
Print ISSN: 0972-5814
Online ISSN: 0974-455X
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December

"Journal of Management Research" is a refereed journal at par with the best international journals on the subject. The journal seeks manuscripts that identify, extend, unify, test or apply scientific and multi-disciplinary knowledge pertaining to the management field. Journal archive content upto 2016 is open for all. The journal publishes articles from the areas such as finance, accounting, marketing, operations management, human resource management, statistics, international business, information technology, environment, risk management, globalization and related areas. Articles reflecting diversity, cross-functional nature of management and emerging concerns are also considered for publication. Founder Chief Editor: Hari Dayal Gupta.

Indexed/Abstracted - Indian Citation Index – Research Impact Indicator: 0.034, Scientific Journal Impact Factor - 6.487, InfoBase Index - 2.6, Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals - MIAR (ICDS - 6.2), EBSCO Discovery, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, Indian Science Abstract, J-Gate, Indian Science, Cite Factor, DRJI, ISRA-JIF, I2OR, ESJI, EZB, IIJIF.

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