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Journal of Medical Erudite
Year 2018, Volume-6, Issue-1and2 (January-December)
Print ISSN : 2278-1927
Online ISSN : 2349-2112

Table of contents RSS Feed

Dr. Tanveer Ahmad


Reattachment of Fractured Crown Fragment: A Case Series
Arohan Singh, Sandeep Dubey, Umme Farwa, Ashutosh Pratap Singh, Pooja Chaturvedi, Shahid Ali Wani, Mohd Irfan Ansari

Recycle and Rehabilitate
Sanjeev Srivastava, Summaiyya Zaman Khan, Umme Farva, Syed Haider Mehdi, Yumnam Pushpa Devi, Aakansha Yadav, Tarun Saxena

Quality Standardisation of Sufoof-E-Mohazzil: A Tradational Polyherbal Unani Formulation for Obesity
Mohammad Aslam, Mohammad Shoaib Zaheer, Zaki Ahmad Siddiqui, Jamal Akhtar, Abdul Mannan, M Uwais Ashraf

Stress of Dental Students in Pre-Clinical Years
Anita Sharma, Tanveer Ahmad, Seema Manak

Managing An Unexpected Finding of Dilated Common Bile Duct in a Peripheral Hospital-A Personal Experience
M. Y. Shareef, Tanveer Ahmad

CME Series: Writing a Health Sciences Research Proposal

CME Series: Article 3: Writing a Good Research Proposal: Avoiding mistakes and Addressing reviewers ’comments
Neeta Kumar, Sanjiv Kumar


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