Scientometric analysis of the scientometrics journal: From 2000 to 2019 using the scopus database Mohapatra Niranjan1, Sahoo Manoj Kumar2 1Librarian NCDS, Bhubaneswar, nmohapatralis@gmail.com 2Librarian IHM, Bhopal, manojsahoo485@gmail.com Online published on 21 January, 2023. Abstract The present study deals about the scientometric analysis of4347papers of Scientometrics Journal during the year 2000 to 2019. The study focuses on various aspects of Scientometrics journal such as its document type wise, published year-wise distribution of papers, contributors and their productivity, geographical distribution, citation pattern. The study shows that out of4347papers the highest number 3858 (88.75%) of articles in Items -wise and the lowest number 1 (0.02%) of Retracted in Item wise were published in the study period. The highest number 397 (9.13%) of papers -were published in 2018 and the lowest number 82 (1.89%) of research articles published in the year 2000. The maximum number of citations were 8828 (9.43%) in the year 2010 whereas, the minimum number of citations -were 797 (0.85%) in the year 2019. The majority of 11.74% contributions from China -which is the first position, followed by 10.57% -were contributed by United States is the second rank. All the studies will be helpful for its further development. Top Keywords Scientometrics, Bibliometric study, Annual growth rate, Citation. Top | | |
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