Librarians insights survey on electronic resources Rane Vrushali Mrs. Deputy Librarian, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Email: libraryjuhu@sndt.ac.in Online published on 21 January, 2023. Abstract The present study is to find out the awareness and use of e-resources by the affiliated colleges of SNDT Women's University Bharat Ratna Maharshi Karve Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC). The main purpose of this study was to find out the level of awareness and use of accessing electronic resources, their level of use, satisfaction, and challenges in accessing electronic resources. A questionnaire was electronically distributed to the affiliated college librarians to collect data regarding the awareness and use of electronic resources. The study reveals most of the respondents use electronic resources for research (77.8%), most of the respondents (55.6%) are fully satisfied with the electronic resources provided to them, some (22.2%) of the respondents face problems in accessing electronic resources due to slow speed of connectivity andfinding accurate information. The electronic resources use policy is framed for better understanding and convenient use of e-resources. Top Keywords Information Communication Technology, Awareness and Use, Electronic resources, Library, User insights, Survey. Top | | |
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