Journal of Library and Information Communication Technology
Ms. Madhu Bala
Print ISSN: 2278-3482
Online ISSN: 2456-9399
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December
Description: The Journal of Library and Information Communication Technology (JLICT) ISSN: 2278 –3482 is a peer-reviewed journal (half yearly) is published by editorial board of JLICT. Journal of Library and Information Communication Technology (JLICT) cover all areas of library science related with ICT as ICT is changing the work of libraries and information centers in new age of knowledge. More than ever, the libraries of India need this technology in more way. An increased number of users, a greater demand for library materials, an increase in the amount of material being published, new electronic formats (CD/DVD & E-book, E Journals etc) and sources, and the development of new and cheaper computers are some of the reasons for the growing need for ICT in India. JLICT represent the ICT based ideas in research papers. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and will publish: • Original articles in basic and applied research • Critical reviews, surveys Indexed and Abstracted with - Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, Summon(ProQuest), Primo and Primo Central, I2OR, ESJ, DRJI and ISRA-JIF.
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