Status of Library Automation in Select Higher Educational Institutions in Southern Kerala: A Survey Sevukan R.1,**, Deepthi S.2,* 1Associate Professor & Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Pondicherry University, Puducherry-605014, India 2Intern, Learning Resource Centre, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad-500032, India *Email id:
Abstract The study explores the status of library automation in selected academic institutions in Southern Kerala with the aims like collection details, staff details, adequacy of staff members, status of library automation, extent of automation, library automation software, areas of automation, tools and services, status of retrospective conversion in libraries, problems and constraints faced while automating, impact of library automation, users satisfaction on the computerised services, etc. A questionnaire instrument was employed to collect primary data from 25 libraries. The questionnaires were self-administered. The result revealed that 78 professionals that amount to 37.32% were supporting staff followed by 33.49% of Assistant librarian, 14.35% of Professional staff, 11.96% of Librarian and 2.87% of Deputy Librarian. Out of 25 institutions, it was found that all the libraries were automated. Majority of the libraries use SOUL software followed by LIBSYS, LIBSOFT, GRANDHA, etc. Top Keywords Library automation, Southern Kerala, College libraries, Computerised services, Retroconversion, Users satisfaction, Impact study. Top |