Knowledge Management as a New Dimensional Approach for Libraries: Issues and Challenges Hadagali Gururaj S.1,* 1Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Karnataka University, Dharwad-580003, Karnataka State, India *Email id: gururajhadagali123@gmail.com; gururaj_hadagali@yahoo.co.in
Abstract The objective of this paper is to examine the importance and the use of tacit knowledge within organisations. This paper addresses the issue of what organisations can do to encourage and to promote knowledge sharing in order to stay in the competition. It enhances understanding about the importance of knowledge sharing within the organisation. This paper particularly focuses on the factors to be considered for tacit knowledge transfer. Furthermore, it throws light on issues concerned with knowledge management, especially in the field of Library and Information Science. Top Keywords Explicit Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Libraries, Tacit Knowledge. Top | | | |
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