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Year : 2021, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 179) Last page : ( 187)
Print ISSN : 2277-7938. Online ISSN : 2277-7946. Published online : 2021 October 19.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2277-7946.2021.00012.7

Use of Infographics as a Tool for Library Services

Jalagar Vijayakumar1*, Rathod Prakash22, Karkun Shreekant G.33

1Librarian, P.M.N.M. Dental College and Hospital, Bagalkot-587103, Nava Nagar, Karnataka, India

2Assistant Librarian, FLAME University, Gat No. 1270, Lavale, Off. Pune Bangalore Highway, Pune-412115, Maharashtra, India

3Librarian, Basaveshwar Engineering College, Vidayagiri, Bagalkote, Bagalkot-587102, Karnataka

*Corresponding author Email id: *vijay.jy84@gmail.com



Received:  26  ,  2021; Accepted:  05  October,  2021.


Infographics are well-known visual ways to convey theoretical, astounding, and thick messages. An infographic (short for data realistic) is a visual representation of data that reveals the invisible, clarifies the complex and brightens the obscuration through outlines, some brief, composed explanations and information representations through diagrams or diagrams. Given their ability to create a significant explosion of awareness and knowledge in a digital storefront, library professionals need involvement in lighting and evaluating infographics and beyond, making them available for teaching and administrative purposes. This article gives a brief overview of infographics, their type, their creation, and their successful use in libraries.



ICT applications, Infographics, Libraries, Library services.


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