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Information for Contributors


Journal of Knowledge and Communication Management (JKCM), a biannually, is a peer reviewed journal to bring recent developments in the field of knowledge and communication management. The journal accepts only original research papers, review articles and other papers of scholarly nature. Book review would be included, provided, copies of the books are also sent. All papers submitted will be referred and major changes, if any, suggested by the referees are to be carried out by the authors themselves. Intending author(s) can submit papers based on the following guidelines.


Submission of Manuscripts


Authors wishing to make a submission to the journal may note the following: Electronic submission of manuscripts is strongly encouraged. One copy of the paper, in MS word format, should be submitted as e-mail attachment to the chief editor at editorjkcm@gmail.com


By submission of a manuscript an author certifies that the work is original and neither has been previously published nor is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Every paper submitted to the journal will be blind-reviewed by members of the editorial board or qualified outside reviewers. On the recommendation of reviewers, a paper may be accepted, revised or rejected. The length of the contributions should be in the range of 4000-7000 words normally.


Manuscripts should be written in English, typed double spaced, with ample margins and bear the title of the contribution. A brief autobiographical note of the author and co-authors, if any, should be supplied, including full name(s), position(s) held and name(s) of employing organization(s), address, E-Mail address and telephone/fax numbers. The papers must include an informative and completely self-explanatory abstract, 3 to 5 keywords and proper bibliographic references using American Psychological Association (APA) Style of Referencing. Tables and illustrations should be given in on eye-legible size on separate sheets. They are to be numbered and fitted with concise, but self-explanatory captions. The location of each table or figure in the text should be specified at the appropriate place.


Authors submitting articles for publication must warrant that their work is not an infringement of any existing copyright. Papers and published contributions become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise agreed. Contributor(s) will be responsible for all views and opinions expressed by them in their papers. Neither the editor nor the publisher can accept any responsibility in this regard.


The Editor reserves the right to reject papers that, in the view of the editorial board, either are of insufficient quality, or are irrelevant to the subject area.

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