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Aims and Scope


Aims and Objectives

The Journal of Knowledge and Communication Management is a peer-reviewed journal which captures the latest pertaining information and disseminates both theoretical and practical information on knowledge and communication management and serves as a common platform for the discussion of both theoretical background questions and practical application problems in the field. It is dedicated to the exchange of the latest academic research and practical information on all aspects of managing knowledge and communication, tools, techniques and technologies, knowledge creation and sharing, best practices, policies and guidelines.The journal analyses the role of knowledge and its communication in cultural, organisational, national and international developments. Our mission is to attract the highest quality of theoretical and applied research in the field of knowledge and communication management. The journal aims to promote the exchange of knowledge and its communication among the academics, researchers and professionals in the field in private and public sector organisations around the globe.


The Journal of Knowledge and Communication Management publishes academically robust papers, topical articles, case studies, research findings, critical essays, book and other publication reviews, and other areas of interest related to terms such as Knowledge Management; Communication Management; Intangible Assets; Human Resource Assets; and on related topics such as the following:

  • Knowledge management and innovation

  • Knowledge engineering

  • Integrated learning and knowledge infrastructure

  • Intellectual capital management

  • Internal communications

  • Workforce communications

  • Communication and organisational culture

  • Knowledge organisation, taxonomies and ontology

  • Knowledge creation, retention, sharing and transfer

  • Knowledge databases and repositories

  • Knowledge Innovation Networks

  • Knowledge and communication professionals and leadership

  • Learning organisation and organisational learning

  • Corporate communications

  • Techniques and methods for managing knowledge and communication

  • Using information technology to develop knowledge and communication management

  • Information organisation and retrieval technologies for improving the quality of knowledge

  • Practical implementations of knowledge and communication management

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