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Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology
Year 2005, Volume-1, Issue-1 (January-June)
Print ISSN : 0973-3558
Online ISSN : 0973-3566

Table of contents


Not Just Another Society
Pillay VV


Consequences of Ethanol Consumption
Das SK, Nayak P, Vasudevan DM

Original Papers

A Regional Study of Poisoning in Children
Cyriac Job

Delayed Toxicological Reports in Poisoning Deaths – Indian Scenario
Mohanty MK, Arun M, Jagdish Rao PP, Kumar GP

Phytochemical Analysis of Toxic Plant Chromolaena odorata (Eupatorium odoratum)
Prasad S, Narayana K, Jayakumar K, Srikanth KG

Adulteration and Contamination of Ayurvedic Herbal Medications
Krishnaprasad R, Pillay VV, Rajesh RR, Vishnupriya N

Case Reports

Accidental Carbon dioxide Poisoning in a Wine Brewery
Rodrigues EJ, Fernandes AV, Rataboli PV, Chitra Dhume

A Rare Case of Fatality Due to Auramine Poisoning
Bastia BK, Nagesh KR, Kuruvilla A, Saralaya KM

Fulminant Hepatic Failure with White Phosphorus: A Case Report
Maya P, Rajam L, Srinivasan N

Role of Clonidine in Organophosphate Poisoning in Children
Ramakrishnan K, Ramesh K, Sathyajith Nair G


Pesticide Dealers and the Management of Poisoning
Sadananda Naik B

Book Review

Toxicology Secrets
Louis J Ling, Richard F Clerk, Timothy B Erickson, John H Trestrail III

PG Corner


News & Views

Toxicology Snippets


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