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Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science
Year 2024, Volume-72, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN: 0019-638X
Online ISSN: 0974-0228

Table of Contents

Sampling Strategy for Digital Soil Mapping in the Thar Desert Region of India: A Conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling Approach
Pravash Chandra Moharana, Brijesh Yadav, Roshan Lal Meena, Mahaveer Nogiya, Lal Chand Malav, Bhagwati Lal Tailor, Hrittick Biswas and Nitin Gorakh Patil

Soil Depth Prediction through Soil-Landscape Modelling Using Machine Learning in the Vidarbha Region of Central India
P.C. Moharana, R.K. Naitam, Nirmal Kumar, M.S.S. Nagaraju, H. Biswas and N.G. Patil

Transformations of Native and Added Chromium among Soil Fractions under Combined Effect of Amendments and Ageing
Neeraj Rani, Dhanwinder Singh and Nitish Dhingra

Improvement of Very Shallow Soil by Hybridizing with Tank Silt: A Case Study from Osmanabad District, Maharashtra
P.H. Vaidya, N.M. Patil, S.P. Zade, C.V. Ambadkar and A.S. Dhawan

Impact of Tillage, Residue and Nutrient on Soil Active Carbon, Nitrogen and Crop Yields in a Soybean-Wheat Rotation in Vertisols of Central India
Radha Raghuwansi, Somasundaram Jayaraman, Abhay Shirale, Subash C. Gupta, Nishant K. Sinha, Kuntal M. Hati, Bharat P. Meena, K. Ramesh, Ashok K. Patra and Ram C. Dalal

Effect of Irrigation Scheduling and Nutritional Levels on Yield and Water Productivity of Green Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in a Coastal Soil of West Bengal
Ranajit Panda, Sanmay Kumar Patra, Anshuman Das, Bappa Paramanik, Bisweswar Mahato, Debraj Saha and Asim Biswas

Depth-Wise Distribution of Boron in Soil Under Groundnut-Cabbage Cropping Sequence
Bhavin Suthar, Dileep Kumar, K.C. Patel, A.K. Shukla, Sanjib Kumar Behera, J.C. Shroff and R.A. Patel

Vertical Distribution and Variability of Available Nutrients in Southern Mango-Supporting Belts of Karnataka
Kaushik Saha, K.S. Anil Kumar and Jagdish Prasad

Effect of Zinc Sources and Application Methods on Growth Characteristics, Yield and Nutrients Content in Wheat-Moongbean Cropping System
Manjot Singh, B.K. Yadav, Vivek Sharma, Surjit Singh Minhas and B.B. Vashist

Short Communications

Influence of Topography on Soil Characteristics – A Case Study from Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu
Kalaiselvi B., K.S. Anil Kumar, R. Srinivasan, M. Lalitha, S. Dharumarajan, Rajendra Hegde, R. Vasundhara and Jagdish Prasad

Characterization of Soil Profile under Different Orchard Management Systems of Tadepalligudem Block of West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh
Kalisetti Sowmya Sree and Ramawatar Meena

Effect of Enriched Lake Biomass Compost on Growth, Yield and Nutrient uptake of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Shalini and A. Sathish

Phosphorus and Sulphur Availability in an Acidic Upland Soil of Ranchi Amended with P and S Organo–Mineral Fertilizer
Sreejan Singh, D.K. Shahi, B.K. Agarwal, S. Karmakar and Sudhir Kumar Singh


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