Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science
Indian Society Of Soil Science
Print ISSN: 0019-638X
Online ISSN: 0974-0228
Number of issues per year: 4
Print frequency: Quarterly
Month(s) of publication: March, June, September and December
Description: To cultivate and promote soil science and kindred branches of science To disseminate the knowledge of soil science and its applications, through meetings, discussions, and publications To promote judicious interactive use of soil, water and other natural resources, fertilizer and other inputs to maintain quality and resilience of soil for sustainable agriculture To foster high standards in the teaching and education of soil science To work in close association with learned societies and organizations having similar objectives To create public awareness about the importance of soil as a finite natural resource, To carry out research and to perform all other acts, matters, and things that may assist in, or be conduce to, or be necessary for the fulfillment of objectives and purposes of the Society.
Indexed/Abstracted with - National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) rating for 2024: 5.34, Indian Science Abstract, Scopus, Indian Citation Index, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, etc.
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