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Journal of Innovation in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Year : 2017, Volume : 1, Issue : 2
First page : ( 55) Last page : ( 58)
Online ISSN : 2581-5695.

Evaluation of anti-pyretic activity of Ocimum sanctum linn using Brewer's Yeast induced pyrexia in albino rats

Balakrishna V.*, Pamu Sagar, Pawar Deepak

Department of Pharmacology, School Of Pharmacy Gurunanak Institutions Technical Campus, Hyderabad, India

*Correspondence to: V. Balakrishna. Asst. Professor, School Of Pharmacy, Gurunanak Institutions Technical Campus, Hyderabad, Telangana, India. 501510 E-Mail: balakrishnavuyyala@gmail.com

Online published on 27 September, 2019.


Many herbal plants have been found to be having antipyretic effects. The present study investigates the antipyretic activity of the extracts of Ocimum sanctum plant on brewer's yeast induced fever in experimental rats. 30 albino rats weighing 120g-150g were used. They were divided in to five groups of six rats each. Group one serve as control (n=6) and was given 1ml of normal saline, group two serves as inducer group (n=6) was treated with brewer yeast alone, group three serves as standard group (n=6) was given 150mg/kg of paracetamol, while groups four and five serves as test groups were treated with 100mg/kg and 300mg/kg (n=6) of Ocimum sanctum respectively. A 20% suspension of 10ml/kg of brewer's yeast was injected subcutaneously to induce fever in all the experimental animals. After 18hrs, the rectal temperature was taken and the animals, were administered Ocimum sanctum (100mg/kg, 300mg/kg) and paracetamol (standard group, 150mg/kg) orally. The body temperature of the rats was measured rectally over a period of 4hours.Ocimum sanctum (100mg/kg and 300mg/kg) significantly reduced yeast induced pyrexia when compared with the group two (20ml/kg, brewer's yeast). The group three (paracetamol, 150mg/kg) also show significant reduction when compared with group two (20ml/kg, brewer yeast. Thus, this experiment shows that the antipyretic effect of Ocimum sanctum is dose dependent and the effect is as a result of the flavonoid component of the extract. These data therefore suggest that extract of Ocimum sanctum possesses significant antipyretic activity and it mechanism could be by inhibition of release inflammatory mediators and prostaglandins.



Anti-pyretic activity, Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi), Paracetamol, Yeast, albino rats.


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