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JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy
Year : 2016, Volume : 21, Issue : 4
First page : ( 38) Last page : ( 43)
Print ISSN : 0973-9335. Online ISSN : 0973-9343.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-9343.2016.00032.6

Health problems among sanitary workers a comparative study

Rajan D.

Lecturer & Head, Faculty of Business, Blue Crest College, Accra, Ghana, West Africa

Online published on 14 December, 2016.


This survey based descriptive research work has been undertaken in Tirunelveli city, Tamilnadu to understand and differentiate perception of sanitary workers working in both private multi-speciality and single speciality hospitals towards various health related issues arising as a result of work and work place. In order to know the health related problems, the present study has examined twenty variables related to both physical and mental health. The study has sampled 120 sanitary workers (60 from multi-speciality hospitals and 60 from single speciality hospitals) using judgement sampling technique. Primary data for the study have been collected using schedule method. Secondary data have been collected from books, journals and websites. Mean and standard deviation have been administered to understand and differentiate perception of sanitary workers towards various health related problems. The results of the study has proved that the health related issues such as pain in back, neck, waist and shoulder, low energy, difficulty in sleeping and getting up from the bed, weight loss, loss of appetite and irregular sleep, hypertension hair fall and digestive disorder have been the health related issues commonly perceived by sanitary workers working in both kinds of hospitals. Skin problems, respiratory problems, minor work related injuries have been highly perceived by sanitary workers working in multi-speciality hospitals than single speciality hospitals.



Sanitary worker, health, multi-speciality hospital, single speciality hospital, Tirunelveli city.


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