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Year : 2016, Volume : 3, Issue : 2
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 14)
Print ISSN : 2348-1765. Online ISSN : 2348-1773. Published online : 2016  1.

Content Analysis of Websites of Central University Libraries in Delhi, India: a Study

Singh M.P. Dr.1,*, Gautam Virendra Kumar2,**

1Associate Professor Department of Library and Information Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow-226025, India

2PhD Research Scholar Department of Library and Information Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow-226025, India

*Email: mpsinghdlis@gmail.com

**Email: veergautam5151@gmail.com


This age called information age whole activities of human being concerned with information. Information becomes a part of life. Without information we can't move from one place to another place. Web technology makes easy to spread and retrieve information around the world. Invention of web technology is a great achievement in the field of information and communication technology. It is used to provide information in the form of text; audio; video; image; and animation files. Libraries are changing their image by adopting new kinds of information communication technology like Web. Library applied web technology to extent library services and information products to its users. This study conducted to analyze content of central university library websites of Delhi. The main purpose of the study is to investigate application of web technology in the context of content analysis of university libraries. The study shows that maximum library websites are well developed and designed and enrich with e- resources. In this study it is revealed that Jawaharlal Nehru University library website is best and South Asian University library website is worst according to evaluation criteria. Through this study find that Jawaharlal Nehru University library websites provides best products and services than other central university library websites in Delhi. From this study concluded that University libraries are playing an important role in higher education, research and development activities by effectively dissemination of information resources and services through their websites.



Content Analysis, Library Website, University Library, Central Library, Web Technology.


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